흔한 캐나다 이민자 아줌마의 이민 육아 이야기
캐나다 현지 이민 법률 회사 3년 경력 아줌마의 캐나다 이민, 생활, 육아, 힐링 관련 정보 공유 블로그.
캐나다 이민/영주권 관련 정보 (55)
캐나다 익스프레스 엔트리 Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) Criteria – Express Entry(EE 점수표)

Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) Criteria – Express Entry (Express Entry 점수 계산 하는 표)

Note: If your spouse or partner is not coming with you to Canada, or they are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, you will earn points as if you don’t have a spouse or partner.
배우자가 캐나다로 같이 오지 않거나, 영주권 혹은 시민권자일 경우 싱글 점수로 계산할 것.

A. Core / human capital factors(개인점수)

FactorsPoints per factor - With a spouse or common-law partnerPoints per factor - Without a spouse or common-law partner

Age (나이)


Level of education (교육)

Official languages proficiency
Canadian work experience

B. Spouse or common-law partner factors(배우자점수)

FactorsPoints per factor
(Maximum 40 points)
Level of education (교육)10
Official language proficiency (언어)20
Canadian Work Experience (캐나다 경력)10

A. Core/human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner factors = Maximum 500 points (with OR without a spouse or common-law partner) 

개인+배우자 점수 총계: 500점

C. Skill Transferability factors (특성 추가 점수)


Points per factor
(Maximum 50 points)

With good/strong official languages proficiency and a post-secondary degree(언어+학력)

With Canadian work experience and a post-secondary degree(캐나다경력+학력)50
Foreign work experience(해외경력)Points per factor
(Maximum 50 points)
With good/strong official languages proficiency (Canadian Language Benchmark [CLB] level 7 or higher) and foreign work experience(언어+해외경력)50
With Canadian work experience and foreign work experience(캐나다경력+해외경력)50

Certificate of qualification (for people in trade occupations) Trade직종 자격증

Points per factor
(Maximum 50 points)

With good/strong official languages proficiency and a certificate of qualification(캐나다 자격증)


A. Core/human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner + C. Transferability factors = Maximum 600 points(개인+배우자+특성추가=최고600점)

D. Additional points (Maximum 600 points) 추가점수

FactorMaximum points per factor

Brother or sister living in Canada (citizen or permanent resident) 형제,자매가 영주권자 혹은 시민권자

French language skills 프랑스어 실력30
Post-secondary education in Canada 캐나다 내 학력30
Arranged employment 잡오퍼(LMIA based)200

PN nomination(주정부 노미니 for EE)


A. Core/human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner factors + C. Transferability factors + D. Additional points = Grand total – Maximum 1,200 points (개인점수+배우자+특성+추가점수=총 1200점 만점)

CRS – A. Core / human capital factors(45세 이상 0점)

  • With a spouse or common-law partner: Maximum 460 points total for all factors.
  • Without a spouse or common-law partner: Maximum 500 points total for all factors.

With a spouse or common-law partner
(Maximum 100 points)

Without a spouse or common-law partner
(Maximum 110 points)
17 years of age or less00
18 years of age9099
19 years of age95105
20 to 29 years of age(최고점)100110
30 years of age95105
31 years of age9099
32 years of age8594
33 years of age8088
34 years of age7583
35 years of age7077
36 years of age6572
37 years of age6066
38 years of age5561
39 years of age5055
40 years of age4550
41 years of age3539
42 years of age2528
43 years of age1517
44 years of age56
45 years of age or more00
Level of Education(학력)With a spouse or common-law partner
(Maximum 140 points)
Without a spouse or common-law partner
(Maximum 150 points)
Less than secondary school (high school)00
Secondary diploma (high school graduation) 고졸2830
One-year degree, diploma or certificate from  a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute 1년 학위8490
Two-year program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute 2년 이상 전문대9198

Bachelor's degree OR  a three or more year program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute 3년제 이상 학사

Two or more certificates, diplomas, or degrees. One must be for a program of three or more years 2개이상 학위 최소 1개는 3년이상119128
Master's degree, OR professional degree needed to practice in a licensed profession (For “professional degree,” the degree program must have been in: medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, optometry, law, chiropractic medicine, or pharmacy.) 석사이상126135
Doctoral level university degree (Ph.D.) 박사140150

Official languages proficiency - first official language(영어/ 각 영역별 점수 합계)

Maximum points for each ability (reading, writing, speaking and listening):

  • 32 with a spouse or common-law partner
  • 34 without a spouse or common-law partner
Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level per abilityWith a spouse or common-law partner
(Maximum 128 points)
Without a spouse or common-law partner
(Maximum 136 points)
Less than CLB 400
CLB 4 or 566
CLB 689
CLB 71617
CLB 82223
CLB 92931
CLB 10 or more3234

Official languages proficiency - second official language(불어)

Maximum points for each ability (reading, writing, speaking and listening):

  • 6 with a spouse or common-law partner (up to a combined maximum of 22 points)
  • 6 without a spouse or common-law partner (up to a combined maximum of 24 points)
Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level per abilityWith a spouse or common-law partner 
(Maximum 22 points)
Without a spouse or common-law partner 
(Maximum 24 points)
CLB 4 or less00
CLB 5 or 611
CLB 7 or 833
CLB 9 or more66
Canadian work experience(캐나다 경력)With a spouse or common-law partner 
(Maximum 70 points)
Without a spouse or common-law partner 
(Maximum 80 points)
None or less than a year00
1 year3540
2 years4653
3 years5664
4 years6372
5 years or more7080

Subtotal: A. Core / human capital factors

  • With a spouse or common-law partner – Maximum 460 points
  • Without a spouse or common-law partner – Maximum 500 points

CRS – B. Spouse or common-law partner factors (if applicable) 배우자 점수

Spouse’s or common-law partner’s level of educationWith spouse or common-law partner
(Maximum 10 points)
Without spouse or common-law partner
(Does not apply)
Less than secondary school (high school)0n/a
Secondary school (high school graduation)2n/a
One-year program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute6n/a
Two-year program at a university, college, trade or technical in school, or other institute7n/a
Bachelor's degree OR  a three or more year program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute8n/a
Two or more certificates, diplomas, or degrees. One must be for a program of three or more years9n/a
Master's degree, or professional degree needed to practice in a licensed profession (For “professional degree”, the degree program must have been in: medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, optometry, law, chiropractic medicine, or pharmacy.)10n/a
Doctoral level university degree (PhD)10n/a

Note: (n/a) means that this factor does not apply in this case.

Spouse's or common-law partner's official languages proficiency - first official language

Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level per ability (reading, writing, speaking and listening )Maximum 20 points for section
Maximum 5 points per ability
Without spouse or common-law partner 
(Does not apply)
CLB 4 or less0n/a
CLB 5 or 61n/a
CLB 7 or 83n/a
CLB 9 or more5n/a

Note: (n/a) means that this factor does not apply in this case.

Spouse's Canadian work experienceMaximum 10 pointsWithout spouse or common-law partner 
(Does not apply)
None or less than a year0n/a
1 year5n/a
2 years7n/a
3 years8n/a
4 years9n/a
5 years or more10n/a

Note: (n/a) means that this factor does not apply in this case.

Subtotal : A. Core / human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner factors = Maximum 500 points

CRS – C. Skill transferability factors 두 가지 영역 combine된 점수.


With good official language proficiency (Canadian Language Benchmark Level [CLB] 7 or higher) and a post-secondary degreePoints for CLB 7 or more on all first official language abilities, with one or more under CLB 9
(Maximum 25 points)
Points for CLB 9 or more on all four first official language abilities
(Maximum 50 points)
Secondary school (high school) credential or less00

Post-secondary program credential of one year or longer(1년 이상 대학 학력)


Two or more post-secondary program credentials AND at least one of these credentials was issued on completion of a post-secondary program of three years or longer(2개 이상 학위)

With Canadian work experience and a post-secondary degreePoints for education + 1 year of Canadian work experience
(Maximum 25 points)
Points for education + 2 years or more of Canadian work experience
(Maximum 50 points)
Secondary school (high school) credential or less00
Post-secondary program credential of one year or longer1325
Two or more post-secondary program credentials AND at least one of these credentials was issued on completion of a post-secondary program of three years or longer2550

Foreign work experience – With good official language proficiency (Canadian Language Benchmark Level [CLB] 7 or higher)

Years of experiencePoints for foreign work experience + CLB 7 or more on all first official language abilities, one or more under 9
(Maximum 25 points)
Points for foreign work experience + CLB 9 or more on all four first official language abilities
(Maximum 50 points)
No foreign work experience00
1 or 2 years of foreign work experience1325
3 years or more of foreign work experience2550

Foreign work experience – With Canadian work experience

Years of experiencePoints for foreign work experience + 1 year of Canadian work experience
(Maximum 25 points)
Points for foreign work experience + 2 years or more of Canadian work experience
(Maximum 50 points)
No foreign work experience00
1 or 2 years of foreign work experience1325
3 years or more of foreign work experience2550
Certificate of qualification (trade occupations) – With good official language proficiency (Canadian Language Benchmark Level [CLB] 5 or higher)Points for certificate of qualification + CLB 5 or more on all first official language abilities, one or more under 7
(Maximum 25 points)
Points for certificate of qualification + CLB 7 or more on all four first official language abilities
(Maximum 50 points)
With a certificate of qualification2550

Subtotal: A. Core / human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner + C. Skill transferability factors - Maximum 600 points

CRS – D. Additional points (Maximum 600 points)

Additional pointsMaximum 600 points

Brother or sister living in Canada who is a citizen or permanent resident of Canada(캐나다 영주권자 시민권자 형제 자매)

Scored NCLC 7 or higher on all four French language skills and scored CLB 4 or lower in English (or didn’t take an English test) 불어7이상+영어4점15
Scored NCLC 7 or higher on all four French language skills and scored CLB 5 or higher on all four English skills 불어7이상+영어 5점30
Post-secondary education in  Canada - credential of one or two years(2년제 미만 캐나다 학위)15

Post-secondary education in  Canada - credential three years or longer(3년제 이상 캐나다 학위)

Arranged employment - NOC 00(NOC 00레벨 LMIA )200

Arranged employment – any other NOC 0, A or B(일반 LMIA)

Provincial or territorial nomination (주정부 노미니)600

Subtotal: D. Additional points – Maximum 600 points

Grand total: A. Core / human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner + C. Skill transferability factors + D. Additional points = Maximum 1,200 points

개인별 점수 계산은 아래 CIC Tool을 이용해 보세요.

▶Express Entry 개인 점수 계산 TOOL 바로가기

참고로, Express Entry에서 초청 점수를 얻기 위해서는 30세 미만의 싱글, 영어는 CLB 7점 이상, 캐나다 내 1년이상의 학력, 캐나다 경력 1년, 한국 경력 1년, LMIA(잡오퍼) 가 있으면 가능합니다. 

Express Entry 최근 초청 점수와 인원 확인은 아래 바로가기로 확인하시면 됩니다. 

Express Entry 초청 점수 및 인원 확인 바로가기

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