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캐나다 온타리오 주정부 이민 고용주 잡오퍼 프로그램

온타리오 주정부 이민 중 고용주 잡오퍼 프로그램은 아래 조건을 만족하면 지원이 가능합니다. 

OINP는 온라인으로 아이디/패스워드 생성후 모든 내용을 입력하고 서류를 업로드 하면 됩니다.

OINP Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream 바로가기

고용주 조건 요약

-3년이상 합법적 사업 운영 in Toronto

-100만불 이상 매출(비광역 토론토는 50만불)

-5명 이상 영주권자 이상 풀타임 정규직(비광역 토론토는 3명)

지원자 조건 요약

-2년 이상 잡오퍼 받은 직종과 똑같은 직종의 경력

-주당 30시간 이상 연간 1560시간 이상의 풀타임 Permanent 잡오퍼

-NOC Skill Level B이상의 직업군(만약 직업군이 Compulsory 일 경우 자격증 필수==> Compulsory직업군 확인하러 바로가기.

-해당 직종 Median Wage 이상 받을 것 

-합법적 비자 유지.

위의 자격조건을 갖출 경우 OINP 로 지원 가능(OINP 지원하는 곳 바로가기.)

Job offer requirements (잡 오퍼 조건)

1. Full-time and permanent

The job offer must be for a full-time and permanent position.

Full-time means the job must be a minimum of 1,560 hours a year and a minimum of 30 hours of paid work per week.

Permanent means the job must have no end date (also known as an indeterminate duration).

고용종료기간이 명시되지 않은(지속적인) 잡오퍼/ 최소 주당 30시간 이상 연간 1560시간 이상 일하는 조건.

2. Eligible occupation(가능 직업군)

The job offered must be in a skilled occupation at Skill Type 0 or Skill Levels A or B of the National Occupation Classification (NOC).

NOC 스킬레벨 B이상 직업군

3. Median wage level(중간 임금 레벨)

The pay of the job offered must meet or be higher than the median wage level, for that occupation, in the specific region of Ontario where you will be working. Refer to the Employer's Guide for steps on how to find the median wage level.

If you are already working in the position, the wage of the job offer must be equal to or greater than the wage level that the employer currently pays you in that position.

These wage requirements do not apply if you have a collective agreement (a written contract between the employer and a union), in your workplace, that determines your wages.

임금은 해당 직종의 Median Wage 이상 받을 것.

(해당 지역별 median wage 확인 하는 곳 바로가기) 

직업명과 지역 입력하고 검색하면 중간 임금 값이 나옴/ 런던 지역 COOK의 경우 14불 이상 임금 받아야함.

4. Position is necessary to employer’s business

The position offered must be necessary to your employer’s business. This means that the job offer must align with your employer’s existing business activities and the position must be needed to maintain or grow ongoing business activity.

5. Work based in Ontario

The work you do while in the position of the job offer must occur primarily in Ontario.

만약 고용되는 회사의 지분을 가지고 있다면 10% 미만이어야함. 

Applicant requirements

Before you apply, you must meet the criteria in four categories below.

Please refer to section 5 of Ontario Regulation 422/17 and the application guide for more details on each requirement.

1. Work experience or licence or other authorization(2년 이상 경력 또는 자격증 보유)

You must have:

  • at least two years of paid full-time work experience in the same occupation (same NOC code) as your job offer gained within the five years prior to submitting your application(정확히 같은 직업군에서의 2년 이상 경력)


  • a licence or other authorization for the job that you have been offered(자격증 보유)

Full-time work experience means working in a job with at least 30 hours of paid work in a week that amounts to at least 1,560 hours of paid work in one year. (풀타임은 주당 30시간/연간 1560시간 이상)

2. Valid licence or other authorization (if applicable)

If you need a licence or other authorization for the job that you have been offered, you must have it when you apply.

Find out if your job is in a compulsory trade that requires a licence.

자격증 필수 직업의 경우 자격증 보유해야함. 리스트는 위의 링크참조.

3. Intention to live in Ontario (온타리오 주에 정착하려는 의지가 있어야 함.)

You must intend to live in Ontario after you’ve been granted permanent residence. We determine this by examining your ties to Ontario, which can include doing things such as:

  • working or having worked here
  • getting job offers, applying to or interviewing for jobs
  • studying
  • volunteering
  • leasing or owning property
  • visiting
  • having professional networks and affiliations, family ties and personal relationships

4. Legal status in Canada (if applicable) 합법적 비자 유지.

If you are applying from within Canada, you must have legal status (a visitor record, study permit, or work permit) at the time you apply and should maintain that status until the time of nomination.  

Employer requirements(고용주 조건)

Please refer to section 4 of Ontario Regulation 422/17 and the Employer’s Guide for more details on each requirement.

1. General requirements(일반)

To qualify under the Foreign Worker Stream, your employer must:

  • have been in active business for at least three years prior to submitting your application(최소3년 이상 운영)
  • have business premises in Ontario where you will work
  • have no outstanding orders made against them under the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000 or the Occupational Health and Safety Act
  • demonstrate that enough effort was made to recruit a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident for the position being offered to you (this only applies if you are currently living outside Canada or working outside of Ontario)
합법적 회사 운영+최소 3년이상 온타리오에서 운영했어야함.

2. Revenue and employee requirements(매출 조건)

Your employer’s business must also meet the following requirements for the most recently completed fiscal year (the year used for tax or accounting purposes):

Greater Toronto Area (City of Toronto, Durham, Halton, York and Peel regions)

If you will work or report to work at location in the Greater Toronto Area:

  • a minimum of $1,000,000 in total gross annual revenue (광역 토론토 최소 연간 백만불 이상 매출)
  • at least five full-time employees who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents who worked at the location where you will work, or will report to work, for the duration of the most recently completed fiscal year(최소 5명 이상의 풀타임 캐네디언(영주권자) 직원이 근무하고 있어야 함. 

Outside the Greater Toronto Area (외곽 토론토 지역)

If you will work or report to work at location outside the Greater Toronto Area:

  • a minimum of $500,000 in total gross annual revenue(최소 50만불 이상 연간 매출)
  • at least three full-time employees who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents who worked at the location where you will work, or will report to work, for the duration of the most recently completed fiscal year(최소 3명 이상의 풀타임 캐네디언(영주권자) 직원이 근무하고 있어야함.

Meaning of report to work

In cases where the applicant will work at more than one location, the location where the applicant will report to work means:

  • the location where the applicant’s immediate supervisor or manager works, or
  • the location of the administrative office where the applicant will receive work assignments

3. Employer Form

Your employer must make an application for approval of an employment position by filling out and signing an Employer Form.

Your employer then must give you the form so you can scan and upload it with your application.

Supporting documents(참고자료)

You must provide supporting documents to validate the information in your application and to prove you meet the eligibility criteria.

All supporting documents must be scanned and uploaded in your online application.

Refer to the document checklists for the list of mandatory documents.

If a supporting document is not in English or French, you must provide a copy of the document and a translation of the document. Please read, Document translation and notarization for more information.

Remember, if you do not upload all the required documents, your application will be incomplete and will be returned.

Cost to apply(지원 비용)

The application fee covers the cost of processing your application and is:

  • $1,500 if the job offer is outside of the Greater Toronto Area
  • $2,000 if the job offer is within the Greater Toronto Area (City of Toronto, Durham, Halton, York and Peel regions)

We only accept Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard and MasterCard Debit.


We will only refund the fee if we find that your application is incomplete or you withdraw your application before we start processing it.

We will not refund the fee if your application is unsuccessful.

You can check the status of your application through your account in the OINP e-Filing Portal.

Use a representative to apply

You may choose to appoint an authorized representative, such as an immigration consultant or lawyer, to provide advice or help with the application process and to act on your behalf with the OINP.

If you wish to appoint a representative, they must create an account in the OINP e-Filing Portal and then submit your application through the portal on your behalf.

Learn more about representatives and how to appoint one.

Submit an application

Before you start, make sure you and the employer:

  1. Meet all of the necessary requirements under the:
  2. Have your credit card ready (we accept Visa and MasterCard only)
  3. Have your supporting documents (in English or French) scanned and ready to upload
  4. Read the application instructions (important)

Application instructions

Once you click “Submit an application”:

  1. Choose whether you are a returning user or a new applicant
  2. Choose the Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream
  3. If you are a new applicant, you must pre-register with your name and date of birth (not required if you are already registered)
  4. Log into your ONe-key account. If you do not have one, click “Sign up now!”
  5. Once you’ve logged into your ONe-key account, you will be sent back to the OINP e-Filing Portal
  6. Create a profile in the OINP e-Filing Portal
  7. Once you’ve completed your profile, click “Finish” and you will be sent to your main page in the e-Filing Portal
  8. Click on the file number beside the Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream to begin your application

Please note:

It takes about three hours to complete your application. You don’t have to do it all at once, but you must submit your application within 14 calendar days after you first register.

Submit an application

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