아래 링크를 클릭하시면 잘못 지불된 내역에 대한 환불이 가능합니다.
Request a refund
You can request a refund for any of your payments. The process for your refund depends on how you paid.
When you submit your request, we will ask you for basic personal information. After, we will make sure you are eligible for a refund and contact you if we need more information. For example, we may ask you for a copy of your credit card statement.
Refunds can take up to six weeks to process.
If we have already started processing your application, most fees will not be eligible for a refund. There are some exceptions:
- the right of permanent residence fee (RPRF)
- the right of citizenship fee
- the open work permit fee (for Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) exempt workers only)
- the employer compliance fee (refunded to the employer)
- International Experience Canada (IEC) fees (See refunds for IEC).
You don't need to request a refund for these fees. If you are refused or you withdraw your application, we will start the refund process for you.
If we haven't started processing your application, you can withdraw it for a full refund.
If you paid for an application but didn't submit it, you are eligible for a refund.
If you paid and applied online
A copy of your receipt was emailed to you when you applied. If you don't have the email, sign in to get a copy.
Once you have your receipt number, create an account to request a refund. This will not be the same account you used to submit your application.
If you paid online and applied on paper
Sign in to the account you used to pay online to get your receipt number. After you sign in, you can view, print and email your past receipts or request a refundfor them.
If you didn't pay online
You need the correct receipt number to request a refund of your payment.
If you paid at a bank in Canada, use the receipt number you got from the bank when you paid. If you don't have it, contact the bank to ask for a copy.
Once you have your receipt number, create an account and request a refund on the View all receipts page. If you paid online for a paper application before, sign in to the same account to request a refund.
If you paid any other way, use the web form to request a refund.
This includes if you paid:
- at a bank outside Canada (a deposit receipt will not work)
- with a bank draft or money order, or
- with a pre-authorized credit card form
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